2025 Schedule

 Oponent  Venue  Date  Result
 Southern New Hammpshire University  Penmen Stadium  Oct 13st 10:00AM  TBD
 Northeastern University  Penmen Stadium  Oct 13st 12:00PM  TBD
 University Rhde Island  URI  Nov 2nd 01:00PM  TBD
 Northeastern University  Rotch Field  Nov 16th 2:30PM  TBD
 Emerson College  Rotch Field  Nov 16th 4:00PM  TBD
 Temple  Geasey Field  Feb 15th  TBD
 James Madison University  Geasey Field  Feb 16th  TBD
 Boston College  Student Rec Field  Feb 22nd  TBD
 University of Maine  Student Rec Field  Feb 23rd  TBD
 Texas AM  Texas AM  Mar 1st  TBD
 Baylor University  Baylor University  Mar 2nd  TBD
 University of North Carolina  Bluff Road Fields  Mar 29th  TBD
 North Carolina State  Method Road Field  Mar 30th  TBD
 Syracuse University  Syracuse  Apr 5th  TBD
 University of Buffalo  Syracuse  Apr 6th  TBD
 Northeastern University  Student Rec Field  Apr 12th  TBD
 University of Connecticut  Rec Turf UConn  Apr 16th  TBD